A review by shes_book_obsessed
Legend by Marie Lu



To set the atmosphere: This is a "typical" dystopian book (series) where there is a corrupt government, a deadly plague is spreading around, a divided/catagorized society, a war/revolution is brewing, there are rebels, the teenagers take over etc. etc.
First thing first, this book was very predictable. I knew right away that Day did not kill Metias because I strictly remember him describing the knife hitting Metias´s shoulder while June stated it hit him RIGHT in the heart. When it comes to the plague I was suspicious, and figured it out before it was revealed.
Their first kiss was quite sudden. Personally, I think the chemistry was non-existent between them. Even in the last few pages June said:

"It's strange being here with you. I hardly know you. But... sometimes it feels like we're the same person born into two different worlds."

Although, I do agree with the last sentence of that quote.
But overall, the world building was good, the characters were otherwise great, and the plot was better than many other dystopian plots I´ve read, to be honest.
I don't, however, think I´ll be reading the next books anytime soon.