A review by belladonna_loves_to_read
Suit by Jettie Woodruff


Hands down, one of the BEST mindfucks I've read this year!

I love a book that makes me think. A book where I try, page after page, to figure out all the answers. Reading as much as I do, it’s become more and more difficult to find a book that keeps me guessing… Or in this case, second guessing every theory I could come up with. And, boy oh boy, did I ever second guess myself with this one. There was one point, where my brain was twisted in a knot so tight, that I had to stop and stare off into space for a minute just to wrap my brain around the new revelations.

I had read the blurb (which at the time was very vague), but otherwise I went into this book blind. And I’m so glad I did! So, I’ll do you the same favor and not spoil it for you. What I can tell you is that it’s told in first person present tense and solely from Gabriella’s pov. The characters are interesting and dynamic, the plot flows, and the intrigue is never ending. Seriously, my mind is still spinning with theories. This book did have a cliffhanger, but - thankfully - the next book is out in November. And I CAN’T WAIT to get my hands on it!

*The author provided a copy in exchange for an honest review.*
*This review is based on the early unedited version. Some things may have changed in the published version.*

Side note:
I’ve had a lot of people ask about this book, so I thought I’d add their questions here:

“How dark is this book?”

I found it to be on the lighter side. But, I’ve read A LOT of dark books, so I might be a bit desensitized. There are some scenes that thread the needle or could be a trigger to some.
SpoilerSome dub-con/non-con, enforced chastity, rough sex and BDSM.
Just know that everything that happens has a reason for being in the story.

“Is there any romance?”

Um… Yes. That’s it. That’s all you're getting. LOL.