A review by shaunnah511
In The Dark by Monica Murphy


I understand what the author was trying to do here, but for me, she completely missed the mark. In her acknowledgements, she states that she isn't trying to reinvent the wheel, but instead trying to write something fun and sexy. Well, the story is entirely predictable and the characters one-dimensional and interchangeable, however I did not have any fun or find this terribly sexy.

I'll start with what I enjoyed. Ms. Murphy knows how to write a great meet-cute. So far in this series, the initial meeting of the love interests have been sexy and unique. That's about where the sexy and unique ends though.

Lucy was frustrating to no end. She spends the majority of the story wondering how Gabe could ever be interested in her, which leads me as the reader to the same questions. She was bland and overly self-conscious. Gabe wasn't great either. He is described as being ridiculously handsome over and over, but that seems to be about all Lucy sees in him, because they never get much deeper than that.

As with the previous installment in this series, things felt unresolved at the end. Gabe spends most of the book stressing over his parent's expectations of his love life, and that's all pushed to the side with one sentence, blowing it off at the end - even though Gabe avoided the relationship for that reason alone.

They spent most of the story treating each other terribly, and then suddenly they were in love? This one just didn't do it for me. Not sure if I'll bother with Tristan, because he honestly doesn't seem worth the effort.