A review by mbenzz
This Is Not the Jess Show by Anna Carey


2.5 Stars...I had such high hopes for this book, but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. If you suspend ALL belief and try your best not to over-think this story, then you'll enjoy it. The second you start questioning things (like how in the WORLD Jess failed to realize sooner that she lived in a TV show SET...or how for 17 years so many people (actors) around her let this child grow up in such a manipulative and abusive manner) then the story falls apart.

Maybe I'm just too old for this book. At 40 years old, all I could think of was how incredibly messed up all these people were. How were her parents able to do this?? How was the production company legally able to get away with such a thing?

As for the ending, if that was it, and this is a stand-alone book, then the ending was awful. It felt rushed and incredibly unresolved, not to mention utterly ridiculous. However, if this is going to continue as a series, then the ending makes a bit more sense and can be forgiven. I hope there is a second book because there are a LOT of things that need to be explained.

Overall, the plot itself is a cool idea, but I feel like the execution could have been a lot better. As it is, we never see any resolution with her 'friends' or family. The story was fleshed out in all the wrong places. In the end, I think this book will go over better with the younger set who won't over-analyze everything and just take this for what it is...a messed up reality show story. Anyone over 28 will most likely find this unrealistic and abusive.