A review by villyidol
Aliens: Defiance Volume 2 by Brian Wood


This second and last volume of this short series is less coherent than the previous one.

There are a couple of plot threads that were either left dangling or were only filler material in the first place.
Additionally there's a constant change in artists, which got a little annoying at some point, as both quality and style of the artwork are inconsistent as a result.


So, objectively this is probably not as good as the first book.

What it has working for it, though, is that I got so attached to the characters that it had me on edge towards the end as things got more dramatic and closer to its conclusion. I even got a little emotional during the last issue. So, clearly the creators have done something right.


I just wish they had shown a little more commitment to their own creation.

Amanda Ripley, btw, had a short cameo in the first book but never shows up in the second. Which kinda makes sense, I guess, because at this point she's very likely already on Sevastopol Station, and pretty busy to somehow not get killed there.

Which leads me to the sequel of this series. I wasn't sure there even was one, but google told me that [b: Aliens: Resistance|43106351|Aliens Resistance|Brian Wood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1556918640l/43106351._SY75_.jpg|66912519] is actually a continuation of both this series and the Alien: Isolation game, which I haven't played, but apparently own, according to my PSN account. It looks like Zula, the main character of Aliens: Defiance, and Amanda Ripley, the main character of Alien: Isolation, will be reunited there. I actually might read it and probably play the game as well. We'll see.


Overall, while this wasn't great or something, I still enjoyed my short time back with the franchise. Even watched the second movie once more, in the process. It's still my favorite.