A review by rachcannoli
A Totally Awkward Love Story by Tom Ellen, Lucy Ivison


Another frustrating YA read made slightly better because the characters are British, but still with the same issues. I think I may need a break from YA in a bit, but I'm really trying to breeze through the books I've had for a while so I can either get rid of them or organize better so I can buy more books haha. I figured this book would be annoying because of the nature of the title, but lord it was just one thing after the other of dumb misunderstandings. And I absolutely could not stand Stella and how she legit never gets her comeuppance for being such a horrifically toxic friend. As much as I hated her, she was the only realistic part of this story because, unfortunately, I feel like so many girls have that one toxic friend who we only hang around with in high school because they do something for us. But this is a story, and to not give her real closure was super annoying. I liked the relationship once they finally shut the hell up and got together, but the journey there was so infuriating I just am not sure it was worth it. It's a cute story, I probably would have enjoyed it more if I was younger, but as I am not, it is what it is.