A review by bluebeereads
Endsinger by Jay Kristoff


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

4.5 stars

No spoilers for the whole series, though if you've read the blurb, my efforts are wasted. Hah!

I am so exhausted now! That's what this series is, it's exhausting! I feel so drained now that I've finished it. The Lotus War Trilogy can be very overwhelming with the detailed world building and multiple POV's and so many plot twists it makes your head spin. It can make you tired because you have to stay up reading because you need to know what happens next! It'll probably make you cry, laugh, yell and cry some more. But most importantly, this series is so, so very good you absolutely HAVE to read it at least once, because it's epic.

I'm not going to talk about plot and stuff because I don't want to give anything away. Let's just say that this book is on the scale of Lord of the Rings 3 times one thousand. Yes, it's like that. The stakes are higher than they've ever been and when I started this book I was scared to finish it. I'd heard a lot of things from friends about it (good things, but still scary) and it's such a long book! My ebook version is 505 pages. The audiobook is more than 20 hours long. The other two book were that long too and that's part of why this series was so exhausting to me. There's so much that happens and so many plot twists and it's all so important! But I can't say it's ever really boring. This last book felt very long to me though, but that's maybe because it was the audiobook and I read faster than the narrator does so it felt very slow to me. I did like the narrator a lot though, great choice for this book!

What can I say more that I haven't already said? Yukiko and Buruu are awesome as always. I love those two with all my heart and they kick some serious ass in this book. I won't say anything about the other characters because of spoilers but I loved them all. Except the bad guys. The ending is epic. Is it a happy ending? Weeeell.... yes and no. Read it and you'll understand. This is a major spoiler for the end of the series so read at your own risk:
Spoiler I hate you for killing Buruu, Jay Kristoff. Okay not really. A little. Yeah I love you but why did you have to do that? My poor heart.... You're forgiven because Yukiko is happy with her kids and Kin at the end. But still... Buruu!!!!

Even though this series is long and draining, I'd gladly read it again if I'm in the mood for a high fantasy/dystopian series set in Japan. The Lotus War trilogy is epic wrapped up in awesomeness and I recommend it to every single one of you. A must read for sure.

This review is also (or -soon- will be) posted on Istyria book blog