A review by emmajaye
The Catch by Richard Becker


A page turner of the best kind.
The Catch kept me guessing almost to the very last page as my sympathies for the main character Amber, accused of murdering her husband and child, waxed and waned as snippets of her past and personality are slowly revealed. Is she innocent as she maintains? Or is she as deserving of a long prison sentence or death as most of the other 'contestants' on this extreme game show where 13 women compete to win the affections of rich, callous and sadistic man. The prize, if they impress him enough, is life and freedom, for the losers, death or imprisonment chosen on a whim of the 'Catch'. Desperation wars with false smiles as the women try to be appealing, whilst fighting amongst themselves for advantage, as one by one they are voted off.
There are sexual and violent scenes, but nothing that would bother anyone but the most squeamish. Definitely a recommended read.