A review by ljbentley27
The One With The Engagement Party by Erin Lawless


I love a good book series and Erin Lawless’s latest offering Bridesmaids – The One with the Engagement Party has the makings of being a fantastic set of stories.

Bridesmaids – The One with the Engagement Party focuses on Nora and her four best friends Bea, Cleo, Daisy and Sarah. The bride, Nora, has chosen her bridesmaids carefully and they are about to help her prepare for the biggest day of her life. However, amidst the romance and excitement of the wedding plans there are a few secrets and problems that are about to make themselves known.

Firstly, let me say, I loved the characters in this story. There is Cleo who you want to scream at because of the hot dude just wanting to kiss the face off her (I screamed angrily at my book “Kiss him you fool” on several occasions); then there is Daisy who is fun loving but we haven’t learnt all there is to know about her yet; then we have Sarah, married to Cole who is the best man, who has struggles of her own that she isn’t ready to share with the group; and then there is Bea whom I suspect has a secret yet to be revealed.

This may seem like an exhaustive list but I want to highlight just how quickly Erin Lawless has got me intrigued and invested in these characters. They are interesting, flawed and easy to love. For anyone in there thirties Bridesmaids – The One with the Engagement Party is the perfect company for those long trips to all those weddings that you have inevitably been invited to this summer.

I cannot wait for the next instalment…but I guess I am going to have to.

Bridesmaids – The One with the Engagement Party by Erin Lawless is available from 10th June 2016.

Follow Erin Lawless (@rinylou) on Twitter and for more information visit Erin Lawless’s official website www.erinlawless.co.uk.

For more Harper Impulse (@HarperImpulse) titles please visit www.harperimpulseromance.com.