A review by witandsin
To Wed a Wicked Earl by Olivia Parker


Adam Faramond, Earl of Rothbury, learned long ago never to let people see what he’s truly feeling. That’s why society would never guess that Adam, who comes from a family whose name is synonymous with scandal, has been in love with Miss Charlotte Greene, wallflower extraordinaire, for years. After Adam saves Charlotte from potential embarrassment at a ball, the object of his affections decides that they should be friends. To Adam, being friends with Charlotte is better than nothing at all, even if every moment spent with her makes him long for more. Then Adam’s grandmother threatens to ruin him financially unless he weds and Adam concocts a plan to convince his grandmother that Charlotte is fiancée. But when his plan goes awry, it’s up to Adam to take a risk and reveal his true feelings to Charlotte for the chance at the kind of marriage he’s only dreamed about.

Olivia Parker turns up the humor and the charm in her lively second novel. To Wed a Wicked Earl takes readers on the romantic journey of two characters no one would ever expect to fall in love. Adam, though an incredibly sexy hero, is unfairly painted with the same brush as his ancestors who were all wicked to the core. I very much wanted to see Adam judged on his own merits, which is why I so adored Charlotte. She saw the man behind the name, much in the same way he saw her intelligence, wit, and beauty in a way no one else did. Together, they made a wonderful pair and it was easy to become invested in their love story.

Ms. Parker has a fresh, light-hearted style of storytelling I greatly enjoy. Her characters are easy to fall in love with, and Charlotte and Adam are no exception. I was intrigued by them in Ms. Parker’s debut novel, At the Bride Hunt Ball, and their story lived up to what I had been hoping for. While To Wed a Wicked Earl is the sequel to At the Bride Hunt Ball, Ms. Parker provides all the necessary information for Charlotte and Adam’s romance in their book. However, be forewarned that there are major spoilers for the first book in To Wed a Wicked Earl.

I absolutely adored To Wed a Wicked Earl. I was up late in the night reading, unable to put the book down, which is, of course, the mark of a greatly entertaining read. I finished Charlotte and Adam’s story with a smile on my face, eager to read the next book in this series, that of the endearing Lady Rosalind Devine.

Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed.