A review by melodicfate
Crowning His Lost Princess by Caitlin Crews


3.5 stars.

I loved Delaney, with all her practicality and down-to-Earth personality. She dealt with finding out she'd been switched at birth a lot better than I would've, particularly since her biological family was royalty! Cayetano, the hero, was ruthless(he did, after all, plot to marry the lost princess to get the throne back in his family's line), but he was also deeply disillusioned when it came to emotions, which, of course, makes romance difficult. I loved following Delaney's journey at coming into royal life, and watching her break through all the walls Cayetano put up made for good reading. I just wish that so many things hadn't been glossed over, like the meeting between Delaney and the Queen, and the meeting between Delaney and her sister. The ending was a little bit abrupt, too, but I enjoyed this overall.