A review by seleniumdrive
The Alien Assassin's Stolen Bride by Michele Mills


Read this book because I read Ruby Dixon's paired In The Stars novella (about the other brother; a novella that was delightful despite its shortness) and figured this novella would also be delightful (especially given the summary and my penchant for grumpy heroes).

Wrong. The main "relationship" (hardly can call it that given it happens within ~9hrs per the novella) between the two leads isn't "earned" (ie all of a sudden they ~love~ each other and can't bear to be separated??? despite it only happening over 9hrs?? there is NO development to call it earned) and their interactions are always stilted/forced at best.

I love the "fated mates" trope as much as the next girl (see my reading history) as well as a novella with explicit Romance, but this was too much (too little?) for me. I want a relationship that is EARNED, even if it's "only" during a novella. Prove they care, don't just use a "fate" trope to force it.

Also, the male lead's perpetual use of "Female" AFTER knowing her name drove me nuts!

Finished this out of a perverse desire to see if it would get better, but alas, it didn't.