A review by ateachersguidetoreading
Scions by Josephine Angelini


"Tell me your favourite colour, Daphne, and I'll paint the sky with it..."
I literally screamed when I heard about this book! I couldn't believe that over a decade from discovering the Starcrossed series I was getting to return to that world! I mean, Josephine Angelini and this series are the reason I wanted to be a book blogger in the first place - I feel like I've come full circle.

I adored the Starcrossed series and Lucas and Helen's story as an older teen(don't get me started about how excited I am for their new story). I was drawn in my the Greek mythology - something that wasn't common in YA books at the time, well the ones in my library anyway. I remember thinking at the time I'd love to know more about Ajax and Daphne, Helen's Mum.

Scions delivered on that, giving their prequel story set in the 90s (don't ask me why but it just gave Buffy the Vampire Slayer 90s vibes reading it). It allowed me to understand Daphne so much more and connect her actions. It was great seeing familiar characters pop up and oh my gosh did I swoon for Ajax! Teen me already had a thing for older Ajax so it was inevitable!

I highly recommend reading it alongside the original trilogy but it can be read and understood as a stand alone too.

Scions is top tier enemies to lovers filled to the brim with Greek mythology, a kickass female lead and irresistible starcrossed lovers...

Thank you to Sungrazer Publishing and Josephine Angelini for the chance to read an ARC of Scions.