A review by karlyo83
The Guilty Couple by C.L. Taylor


Olivia is framed for trying to have her husband murdered and is sent to prison for 5 years. Her lover is no where to be found and her husband has a bagful of lies at the ready. When Olivia is let out of prison she is on a mission to prove her innocence and get her daughter back… will she survive the ride?

Sounds good right?? Well…. It wasn’t. I was completely let down!!

This book is told from multiple POV which I like…normally…but, why is this told in first and third person in the different POV… it makes no sense and it gives the whole book a wonky feel. I didn’t enjoy that at all.

You also get EVERY SINGLE DETAIL there the colour of the lanyard, the colour of the tape on the key. There were unnecessary references to a person’s race. Also when the taxi driver was speaking there was no reference to his race however his English was broken in the dialogue which came across as unnecessary and kind of racist if you ask me.

The story was was over the top and the ending was even more EXTRA. In the beginning you kind of get a bit of a view into Olivia in jail she seems like she has some scrap in her but when she gets out she is floundering around running from pillar to post to try and prove her innocence without having any rational thought. She has no common sense at all.

Dani is a crooked cop - and a PT WHY!!! That makes zero sense… she mentioned she doesn’t keep relationships due to the ridiculous hours she keeps at work but no worries can run a bunch of PT sessions in all her SPARE time… nope. Also she never actually seems to be at work in this book… just seemed unlikely to me and she was ANNOYING!!!

Dominic is a complete jerk, plays the part well but seemingly is keen to make a nice life for his daughter who he comes across as not giving two hoots about… the bullying she seemingly is either participating in or experiencing is dismissed by Dom but is never revisited so there are storyline’s galore that are never expanded so no resolution, which is weird because my hand was held every step of the way throughout the rest of the story.

There are so many storyline’s and characters that were not required - perhaps it was an attempt at ‘red herrings’ but for me it just messed with the story.

Overall the TWISTS that kept coming were annoying and nonsensical. This was not for me… I appreciate the opportunity to read before publish date but it did not hit the mark.

Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Publishing and the author for an advance copy for an honest review.