A review by astrido
The Sheela-na-Gigs of Ireland and Britain: The Divine Hag of the Christian Celts - An Illustrated Guide by Joanne McMahon, Jack Roberts


During a vacation in Ireland I stumbled across this book. And it was the first time I ever heard about Sheela-na-Gigs. Rediscovered around 160 years ago they are still a mystery. But whatever they are - they are most certainly fascinating.

In Ireland there are over 110 of those carvings scattered across the country. But not only in Ireland. You can find them in England, Scotland, Wales, Denmark, Germany, France and Norway. They can be found on castles and in museums. But the majority of these figures occur in small country churches; the oldest of them dating around 1200 AD.

This book is an easy and most interesting read and puts forward some interesting theories on the figures' origins. The end of the book has a catalogue of the Sheela-na-Gigs so far discovered in England, Ireland, Wales & Scotland.

'Sheela-na-Gigs of Ireland and Britain' is a good starting point to get introduced to a most interesting subject.