A review by papalbina
She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott


Oh!! Come on!!! What an ending!!! I want "She's so over him" now. I can't wait until next year T____T

Well, let's start with Ally.

I liked her, she grew in the face of adversity and became stronger, but she still fell in Shannen's traps again and again. It's not like she has to be wary permanently... but I dunno, the experience should help you to learn for your errors, not to repeat them. On the other hand, hope is the last thing you lose, and I can understand, but not agree, that a little part of her still wants her old friends back (especially after falling for one of them).

Although Jake is also the main character, because he tells the story for his point of view, I think he is more like a tool to get some part of the stories told that really the other main character. Ok, he's Ally's love interest, actually, it's mutual. It's beautiful to see that apparently his interest in Ally makes him a better person (I didn't see he was a bad person for the beginning, though, just a stupid womanizer), but it's not at the same level of importance in the book as Ally in some way.

I loved their first encounter and, although Ally was very angry and very disappointed in him b/c of the whole story about her father, and Jake's reasons for not telling her were more out of cowardice than real concern, I stick to his decision and think he made the right move. I couldn't be angry at him at the end and wanted to shout at Ally that she should only be mad at Shannen who hurt her on purpose.

The rest of characters were a little bit two dimensional and simple, based on one main feature (like "good, correct girl" for Chloe or "sour bitch" for Faith), except Shannen who is still a bit of a mystery for me. I cannot understand her and her actions. Even if she's in love or whatever with Jake, that's not excuse for anything she has done in this book. My god!! What a bitch!! And what happened to David and Annie? They suddenly fell out of picture somewhere in the last third of the book fO.o

The first-person narrative was nice done and helps to empathize with the characters, especially with Ally. And although you can see the main events coming, it's very enjoyable... but what kind of an ending was that!! I felt like I was seeing my favourite TV serie and it ends right there in this moment when you want to know more... The difference is with TV you only have to wait one week… Oh, well... One year and "She's so over him" will be out and then I will be able to read more about Ally and Jake and the summer. I just hope the mess from the ending is somehow repaired and they get back together *___*