A review by nean
Shameless by Michelle Horst, Michelle Heard


Evie runs from her foster home know that when she turns eighteen she will be given no choice but to work for her foster parents as a prostitute. Struggling on the street, Evie finally finds a job that she hopes will get her off the street and fed.
Evie wasn’t expecting to meet Rhett and for him to offer her something beyond her wildest dreams, pay her tuition, pay for her expenses, all she has to do is keep her clothes on. When Rhett sees Evie all he can think is that could have been his sister and he wants to help Evie get what she wants in her life.
Rhett fights what he feels for Evie with he’s past issues making him believe that people only love you for what they take from you. Rhett sees Evie dressed up one night and says something that he regrets, after going to her he learns about her past and it only makes him feel more for her. Evie forgives him because she knows her heart won’t let her not. Knowing the only thing that Evie can do to save herself as much as she loves Rhett, seeing Rhett with other women and to stop the hurt is to leave.
When Rhett see the deposit from Evie he knows he’s screws up the one good thing he had and for Evie it was never about the money and only hopes he can get her back and that she hasn’t moved on with someone else.
Loved, little Danny, loved her and the moment that her and Evie had. I loved Miss Sebastian and how the crew all accepts her for who she is and how she loves their angel-girls and hope that Rhett finds his bejewelled land of fantasy. An amazing series and an amazing ending to the series.