A review by schray32
The Girl Who Came Home by Hazel Gaynor


3.5 stars but rounded up.

I have an odd love for all things Titanic and Ireland so this was a great combo for me. This is a historical fiction book about a survivor and her grand daughter. Nothing groundbreaking in this book but a cute story that had me in tears at the end. I love all of the history from Ireland that is included. (The last spot the Titanic picked up passengers was Queenstown, Ireland now Cobh) I have been to a lot of these places and appreciated the details. I also appreciated that we were spared a lot of the awful parts about the ship sinking. I was worried I would get a play by play. I think the author did a good job with a story we all know to put her own unique twist on it. I also love that it is based on a true story of travelers from Ballysheen Ireland.

I won a copy of this through a Goodreads giveaway in exchange for an honest review.