A review by jeannethinks
Home Sweet Home by Donna Kauffman, Fern Michaels, Melissa Storm


This is basically three short stories all loosely tied together with homecomings of a sort.
Fern Michaels Three's a Crowd
Samantha has been keeping things from her family and she's about to unleash a huge secret, her eight month old daughter Caroline. After returning from an overseas assignment she's trying to get back to some type of normal. First step, don't tell anyone the full truth. Second step, totally flip out over flowers. Third step, I'm pretty sure we missed this one because I've never seen something get wrapped up so quickly you're head is going to spin. I actually reread the page three times. Sorry, but this went from I can't talk, to spilling my guts, to oh wait there's more, really you couldn't add a day or some sort of explanation before you tied a big bow?


This story was well worth the read. I've not read anything in this series yet it was easy to get right into it. The youngest in the clan has come to keep her heavily pregnant elder sister company while she's on bedrest and ward off the family visits. Katie is fierce and ready to settle down. She doesn't expect to face Declan after so much time apart. Her other half as far as she's concerned and now fate may have finally stepped in to give them their chance.

Bring me Home by Melissa Storm
Hazel is learning life isn't always what we're told it is, there are half truths and secrets. When her fathers health is declining he decides to share the truths of her mother. It's a bittersweet time as they spend as much time together as possible. And the tiny ray of sunshine that comes from making new friends who know what Hazel is dealing with. Throw in a hot nurse named Keith and our story is complete.
Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster, this is not the sweet coming home tonne you were expecting.

Honestly I would have only read the Donna Kauffman story of I hadn't committed to a review.