A review by bookwormbunny
The Ghost King by Jeff Altabef


The Ghost King by Jeff Altabef is book two in his Red Death series. The Ghost King picks right up where Red Death left off. There is so much going on in this story. Eden is still under control of those who wish to be in power and will do anything to destroy those who would stand against them. Aaliss and Wilky are still on their quest to bring the three tribes together. Wilky’s visions say that it must be done or else the Light will fail and all will be lost. The thing is that Wilky sees more than he lets on to his sister. The ghost soldiers still haunt him and beg him to find what it is that they seek. If he fails to find what is needed both worlds will be lost. Eris, the red witch, is hunting Wilky and will do what she must in order to destroy him so that her Mistress can be victorious. Many paths will cross but who will come out victorious?
The Ghost King is a power pack of amazing writing by this author. Right from the beginning you are re-engaged into the story and kept riveted all the way to the end. This story changes viewpoints from the characters that are driving the story. Each one is striving and or struggling with their different fights and issues. This book is so dynamic. I love how the author gives us the story from so many different perspectives. At times, not gonna lie, it gets a bit annoying because I want to keep following one character but I love this book. Each character brings something new and engaging. They each experience hurt, pain, loss and try their best to do what is right. Well, the good guys anyways. I love the twists and surprises that the author gives us in this book.
Now, the only thing that I don’t like about this book is the CLIFF HANGER!!! So, if you have an issue with cliff hanger novels then I say you may want to wait on reading this book until the next novel comes out. This book is such a great read! It has characters who wish to be stronger, accepted, to be what others are, to have the power that others have. There are moments of where loyalty is questioned and there are going to be moments of where doubt is strong.
I literally laughed out loud, got angry with the characters and even cried a couple times. That should tell you something right there…this book is GOOD! Whenever I had to put it down I kept wondering what was going to happen next. The author has done such a great job with this novel. Granted I almost threw my tablet when it ended the way it does but I am more than eagerly anticipating the next novel in this series. I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. If you have read any of Jeff Altabef’s novels or have read the Red Death I highly recommend you pick this book up now and dive in.