A review by iffles
I'd Give Anything by Marisa de los Santos


4.5 stars. I used my "let kindle decide" method of attempting to tap my finger between the 4th and 5th star and see what it picks, and the kindle gods spoke that it should get 5 stars, which I'm fine with, but please know this is not the best Marisa de los Santos book I've read.

That being said, it was still great and I couldn't put it down.

The life Ginny has crafted for herself - dependable, if a bit boring, husband, a daughter she adores, her friends at the dog park, and a family she keeps at arm's length - all comes crashing down when her husband loses his job because of a scandal. As her world comes crashing down - and as she deals with getting her teenage daughter through this - she has to deal with her past that lead her to crave this carefully constructed not-exciting life. Whatever happened to the Zinny of the past - the free-spirited, adventurous, optimistic girl, and her circle of close friends?

As the book alternates between Ginny and the present and her diary entries from her senior year in high school, you start to understand the events the led to Zinny evolving into Ginny, but there are still some secrets to be revealed and friendships to heal.

Overall, I loved this book. There were times I felt there was a lot going on, and some unnecessary plot points, but really, that's life, right? You can't control what's happening and when. And I adored Zinny, and still loved Ginny. Believe me, I understand how one event can shape your life and change who you are. I also thought the portrayal of friendships here were real. I think we've all done something to unintentionally hurt our friends - even things we thought were right at the time, and that it's not always easy to work through.

Mostly, like with all of Marisa de los Santos's books, I just loved the characters. I wanted to be part of the circle of friends. I wanted to meet Avery - Ginny's daughter - because she was growing into a strong young woman that I think I'd admire. I think you'd like them, too.