A review by corrie
Monster Stalker by Elizabeth Watasin


Absolutely bloody marvelous! Elizabeth Watasin has blown my mind yet again. This was my first foray into her cyberpunk series and man oh man I want to read more!

9 months later my mind is blown again by this re-read, this time with Book Club Buddy D. (it didn't take us a month to read it but we had a three week hiatus as D. was off taking the waters).

Watasin's books can be read over and over because she always leaves us something new to discover. Exceptional world-building, fantastic action, unforgetable characters (why do I always fall in love with Watasin's women?). And also here we see the building of a lovely polyamorous triad, she can make that work like no other. Mad props!

f/f warning for graphic violence, sex is mentioned but happens off camera

Themes: Nico is one of a kind, superb world building, Watasin's brain is a weird and wonderful place, there is a lot of blood... either to spill, the suck, to make into kilbasa or for a bit of kink.

5 stars