A review by maya56
An Earlier Heaven by D.W. Marchwell


I loved the first novel in this series, [b:Good to Know|6962800|Good to Know (Good to Know, #1)|D.W. Marchwell|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255110113s/6962800.jpg|7200593], so much that I was a little wary of reading this sequel because I really, really didn't want to be disappointed. I wasn't!

The story picks up about a year after the first and showcases how the small family has grown and come together, even so far as adding an at-risk teen to the mix. While there is no great 'conflict' to overcome, there certainly is serious and familiar drama that the family must face and help young William to cope with. And Mr. Marchwell does this so very well! I once again fell in love with the McKenzie-Loewenberger family and can't wait to visit with them again, soon!