A review by ravenslanding
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews


Me: Andrew's writes these romances based in mutual respect....
Kate: *fuses Curren's gym equipment together *
Curren: *glues her butt to the chair*
Me: ......
Me: no really, you have to believe me!

Remember what I said about Ilona Andrews writing romantic relationships that were based on mutual respect and trust? Well, it's still true, but Kate and Curren flirt like emotionally stunted 12 yr old boys.

But it's hilarious, and they have it where it counts, and when they finally do have a conversation they commit like champs.

I am here for the whole furry squad. Jim is a whole mood this book. Glad to see Derek continuing to grow.

Am I looking for things I can do while listening to audiobooks? Yes, yes I am. My house is gonna be clean by the time I run out of Kate Daniels.