A review by sponberry
How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran


I started this book over a year ago, during a time when I was really becoming passionate about feminism. Inevitably, as it was during the "hookless age", I was completely rubbish and failed to get past chapter 5.
Despite my inept first attempt at reading How To Be A Woman, I can only say that I'm glad I read it when I did. Over the past year I've become more educated about feminism, but that of course means I've become more educated about sexism, and to say it gets me down is at times a major understatement. This book has the joyous quality of highlighting the idea that "some sexism may be happening at you" whilst also being humorous enough to bolster your spirits. Seriously, it's way funny.
Following Moran through her (sort of) life story also gives you the chance to really think back on your own experiences and really think about how gender stereotypes are pushed on us from day dot, or maybe how thankful you are when you escaped it (doesn't everyone's mum buy them science kits?).
Overall, this book is just a fantastic read: hilarious, charming and witty. I would recommend it to strident feminists and non-feminists alike, or basicall anyone who likes anecdotal stories and the "funnehs".

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