A review by alexalovesbooks
Dance Upon the Air by Nora Roberts


I first read this book aaaaages ago, in the days when I read whatever I could get my hands on, I didn’t yet run a book blog or take part in our online book community and I hadn’t read as many books as I have now. My general memory is that I did like this story on the whole, not for the romance but for the story and magic of the island and its lore.

Rereading this one now was an interesting experience. On the one hand, the book itself is very readable, has a cozy coastal island community vibe and includes some intriguing allusions to magic and curses. On the other hand, the execution of the plot and romance is very simply just alright, if a little too fast for my liking. It was still, on the whole, enjoyable, but sadly, I don’t think my strong positive feelings survive past my own nostalgia.