A review by dkmode
Spider-Man: One Moment in Time by Joe Quesada


I think this was an attempt to retcon a retcon so that all of the weird dangling plot threads from the first retcon - which have been weakly and inconsistently foreshadowed since - would reach some kind of resolution. Somehow, the new retcon further cheapens the old already-cheap one. The fact that Quesada is back writing this makes me think that the whole thing was so toxic nobody in the usual Brain Trust wanted to touch it. Which, it turns out, was probably for the best.

Gets by as a page-turner thanks to the promise of resolution and some mostly-lovely art (the covers deserve special mention), but the whole thing is too ill-conceived to properly enjoy in the end.

Also, just to check, Joe Quesada knows that you don’t actually need to be married to have kids, right?