A review by reydeam
The Host by Stephenie Meyer


Full Review:

The Host has a very intriguing storyline premise with a spunky girl who is not an easy push over for a body-snatching soul invader. For the most part, this premise kept my interest throughout the read. The reading was easy and had a nice and steady pace. It contained enough twists and turns to keep me reading, to keep me wanting more, to keep me wanting to know what will happen. Even so, it did have a few moments where the storyline dragged a bit and when it dragged - it dragged.

Even though, overall, I liked the story - I had a problem. My problem was with the characters. I felt a disconnect and disappointment with several of the characters. I need a strong connection to one or more of the characters in a story I am reading. This is a must for me to truly experience and become absorbed into the story. I found that The Host fell a bit flat in character development.

Overall, was The Host good? well...no....it was an OK read.
Did I enjoy the read? Well...Yes I did.
Is The Host an adult or YA read? It is classified as an adult read but honestly, I think this book should be put into the YA category. Seriously, it was a clean read meaning that there was no sex, no foul language, and the violence was not very graphic.
I will allow my older girls to read The Host.