A review by goldenbeebookshop
The Fire Child by S.K. Tremayne


This was a wildly different book from where it started to where it ended, and throughout, I simply couldn't put it down.

So much of the physical landscape felt like another character, an enhancement of the plot, similar to how Tremayne used the stark landscape to build tension in "The Ice Twins". In this case, the family home, Carnhallow, most certainly feels like another character in the small cast of unreliable narrators.

I don't want to spoil the twists and turns, especially since so many of them were brilliantly unexpected, but the last quarter of the book excels like a high speed train while you try to figure things out at the same moment that Rachel tries to.

I highly recommend this book for fans of "The Ice Twins" and anyone who enjoys the kind of book best read during the daylight.