A review by ameserole
Divorced, Desperate and Delicious by Christie Craig


After a horrible night of not sleeping, I just needed some sweet loving books.

Divorced, Desperate, and Delicious was a pretty fun book to listen to. In it, you will meet Lacy who is recently (well you guessed it) divorced and is looking for someone to scratch her itch. Wait, is that the actual saying or am I just making something up and super gross? Eh, either way.. she needs to get laid and stat!

She didn't want to be doomed to her family curse, because every woman so far has had plenty of divorces, so she tried to avoid all of that mess. Yet, karma seemed to find her anyway because she caught her ex cheating on her. So, yeah.. but at least she didn't get a divorce? HA!

Okay, so she's off with her dog, Fabio (great name by the way!), and her three cats. Living the life and still maintaining her photography job she seems pretty content. Well, she was until the day she met Chase Kelly. Two peas in a pod guys - they were sexy and adorable at the same time. I loved getting to know them and watch them grow into a beautiful relationship. It definitely made me smile until the end.

Overall, I might dive into the rest of the series - hopefully they are good as well!