A review by kbeers98
Looking for Alaska by John Green


January 10th is that significant to you? On January 10th, Alaska’s mother died. Alaska died the night of January 10th. As I was reading this heart wrenching book about loss and grief and love and infinite energy, I was gutted by the date of January 10th. My professor, director, and friend died this year on January 10th, I hadn’t moved on, or forgiven him for leaving so suddenly with no warning. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye or even mourn, I too was back to school the very day of his passing. Today I felt him in this book, as Pudge says energy is never destroyed or made and that we live on with those we’ve lost within us, for the first time I felt my friend again. Who knew that me being “not-like-other-girls” when this book came out would lead the book back to me when I needed it the most