A review by dinipandareads
The Puppetmaster's Apprentice by Lisa Deselm


I read this book as part of the blog tour hosted by Caffeine Book Tours. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review. 4 stars

Wow, I can't believe this is a debut novel because I honestly can't find one bad thing to say about it. The writing was luscious and magical, the characters were filled with life, and it was just as creepy and atmospheric as that gorgeous cover portrays it to be. I was never a huge fan of Pinnochio growing up because that movie scared the life out of me, and I still need to read Frankenstein, but the combination intrigued me and I'm so glad that I had the chance to read this! It's definitely one of the more unique YA fantasies I've read in a while.

It's clear the minute you start reading that this is a fairytale but it's a bit of a twisted one. There's an oppressive atmosphere that hovers over the village and its people, despite the hustle and bustle of everyday life, that sits in stark contrast to the old, still, and creepy forest that teems with the lively whispering of the trees. DeSelm's writing was a treat to read. It's so richly descriptive without being purple and it made the story and characters truly come alive. There's a spookiness that is weaved through the words that steadily increases as the story unfolds and it really notches up the creepy factor, especially towards the end. Let me tell you, if I wasn't already wary of puppets and dolls, this book would've solidified those feelings because... Oof, y'all, they aren't things to be messed with!