A review by my_introvert_bookishlife
Easy to Fall by W. Winters


Oh my heart of hearts, what heartbreakingly beautiful PERFECTION!!!

Willow Winters wrote her heart and soul out in this book. Just when you think she has delivered her best, she creates yet another MASTERPIECE to top it off. This series surpasses everything you could want in an all out emotional and suspenseful mafia romance.

Easy To Fall consumed me every part of me while ripping out my heart out piece by piece; breaking me, messing my head, stealing my every breath, evoking raw emotions and unleashing torrents of tears I never knew existed ... and then, just when I thought my life was over, that I couldn’t take anymore, piece by piece she pieced every fractured and shattered part of me back together again— far more beautiful and perfect than I could ever imagine, filling me with the kind of love and hope that is profound and unforgettable in every way.

“I wish I could go back and tell you every day that I loved you. Every day.”

I’m irrevocably in love with Seth King, he is the ULTIMATE HERO and I feel so at war with myself because I spent so much of this series wishing he could be the man Laura deserves, but he’s proven himself more than worthy of her undying love— there is NOTHING this man wouldn’t do for the woman he loves more than his own life. Oh my freakin heart!!

Laura, Laura, LAURA... Is there such a thing as a being soulmates with a character? I’d marry this girl myself—she is a true heroine and I felt a bond with her from the start of this series and it only intensified. She’s far stronger than she will ever realise. I felt her pain, her frustration, her fears, her thoughts became mines. Laura is a undoubtedly a top Willow Winters heroine, and will be an ALL TIME FAVOURITE of mine!!! .

“I would happily roam the earth for all eternity not knowing a damn thing other than what it feels like to be loved by him.”

I fear this is only the beginning of an eternal book hangover... I just need someone to PLEASEEEE tell me what to do with my life now!