A review by hobbitfreddie
Rat Queens Volume 1: Sass & Sorcery by Kurtis J. Wiebe


Alright tbh the last chapter was pretty good but everything leading up to that just felt like throwing stuff at the wall with no aim.
It wants to be comedic, it wants to be a unique fun fantasy story, but also somewhat character driven and actually have a plot. But the execution is just not good.
The jokes are not very good, listen raunchy jokes and jokes about drugs can be funny but like this wasn’t it. They’re constant and just distract from the story. By the first chapter I was already annoyed by the jokes, it was like they’re trying to be witty but fail. Like all the jokes were about balls and drugs really, nothing wrong with that of course but this wasn’t it. I only found the jokes funny by the last chapter. I couldn’t take these characters seriously cuz they were just making bad painful jokes. I mean like friends do that so ig realistic. it felt like it was the whole identity of the comic is being adult and raunchy and so the characters were just vessels for jokes. But the comic doesn’t want to be just a comedy.
They try to put in character moments and a plot but yeah didn’t work. I like the concept of this group, a group of tough vulgar girls with fun personalities. But I really only liked Betty. She actually had an arc that was handled well. Also queer character rep! But the characters are mostly just arguing, joking, or drinking when they’re not fighting and it makes it hard to care about them. They all kinda feel samey. And the character arcs are just thrown in and it feels like they are just trying to throw ideas at the wall.
The characters are supposed to be flawed I think which I like. It’s good to have fantasy characters that aren’t just standard pure good. But like they’re always arguing or yelling, it just made them annoying.More of a Nitpick.
I did like how the characters play off eachother though they really do feel like a team. And also how they interacted with the side characters, made the world feel more alive. Also I liked the side characters what little we saw.

Next the plot. I wasn’t into the plot at all, it wasn’t really interesting. Basically just someone’s trying to kill them but it just felt like it was there to give them something to do to keep it from being slice of life. With a good cast any plot can becoming interesting but not here. The cast again is fine and does it’s job but I really was never on the edge of my seat.

The art however is good. Good character designs, action designs, style, etc. The art was actually interesting to look at.

Really idk what to think about this. It’s just annoying and uninteresting until the last chapter. I loved the concept but the execution needed work.