A review by snoopydoo77
Cress by Marissa Meyer


We have made it to Cress or Rapunzel . I’m always amazed when reading this series how well everything comes together, we have all the different story lines and fairy tales and yet it all comes together as one awesome story.

I rather enjoyed Cress in all her awkward and dreamy(ness) . She was fun to read and to see and follow her growth throughout the book. From the shy girl we first meet to the warrior she becomes in her own way.
 I’m not really sure what to think of the shocking family reunion. I didn’t see it coming at all and it was really a surprise to me but also I’m not sure if it was a bit too convenient for the overall story line and everything connecting.

Thorne, I still enjoyed him a lot if not even more than last book. He puts out a tough shell for show but I think there is something nice and soft under that hard shell. I liked he handled his rather unexpected circumstance and he never lost hope or his humor. Be interesting to see how this will work out for him. 

Of course we meet Scarlet and Wolf again, it was great to see how they are together. Something happens to Scarlet that throws them and everyone for a loop and is not solved by the end of the book. I can’t wait to see how that turns out. We also get a glimpse of how dangerous Wolf can still be.

Then we have Cinder and Kai…… I really like Cinder and I love how she becomes so much more confident with each book, she also becoming funnier, I think or at least she loosens up a bit and it comes over that way. But she also becomes stronger and started to lead more.

Kai, I still really enjoy Kai but man oh man was he dense in this book …. So many glues and he never got it until it got spelled out for him.

Iko, still my favorite and I like to see her transformations, I just can’t get enough of her….. We also meet some new faces that I enjoyed but to be honest also was a bit confused by. I’m still not sure which site Jacin really is after that ending. Time will tell I guess.

A lot of stuff is going and things are moving fast in a war to stop Leveana . We also get a sneak peak and idea of Winter.

The ending was scream worthy and I can’t believe it ended there and I can’t wait to get to the next book, which is a huge book I see.

Overall I really enjoyed it some parts were off or I wasn’t sure but for the most part I really liked it…

I rate it 4 ★