A review by caffeinatedcrystal
Batting Style by Louisa Masters

  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix


Batting Style is book 3 of the FU 2 series. Louisa Masters really hit it out of the park with this one. ... sorry. I had to do it. But for real, this book was so enjoyable, and I LOVED the characters.

Jordan is legit one of the sweetest mcs I've read in a while. He is so adorably clueless while also being so sweet and big hearted. Jordan is on the baseball team at FU. Through a hilarious situation, he needs to get a new suit for game day, which leads him directly to Blaise.

For the record, Jordan's helplessness is so cute and ridiculous- I can't even.

Blaise is hustling. He has big dreams and is working to the bone to get them. He wants to be a costume designer for TV and movies. He's saving up for an unpaid internship, and through his job, he meets Jordan.

These two are instant fire. A hookup leads to friendship. And then the classic : how long have we actually been dating?

While the mcs were doing their thing, we got to meet both of their friend groups, which is TOTAL FOUND FAMILY vibes. They're all great.

We also get to meet Jordan's family - and OMG - GOALS.

This book was sweet with some spice. Great story. Great mcs. Great everything. I'm sad the story is over now!! I loved how some big questions were asked and big issues were dealt with. I loved how it was all handled.

Batting Style comes out June 24th! Don't miss it!!!