A review by stephyyy040
The King's Witch by Tracy Borman


I liked this novel, but I admit it didn't scratch my Tudor/Stuart England itch the same way the queen Philippa Gregory does for me.

The story clearly pulled lots of facts from the author's past as a historian, but never felt too preachy or education-ey. I was loosely familiar with the Gunpowder Plot before reading this novel, but it was cool to learn a bit more, for sure.

With the title of the book, I expected there to be a whole lot more of Frances either actually acting as a witch (aka, using herbs), or being perscuted as one, but the "witch" plot essentially resolved itself by the middle of the book.

I didn't realize until logging in GR that this is party of a trilogy... while I usually seem uncapable of stopping mid-series, no matter what I think of the first book, I'm not sure I'm quiiiiiite compelled enough to keep going here. Not immediately, at least. I may circle back when I'm looking for my next historical fiction read.