A review by heathercottledillon
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts One and Two by John Tiffany


My feelings are very mixed.

What I didn't like:

I couldn't get into reading it as a play; I wanted more details and description in between the dialogue and stage direction. I'm sure this story is much more enjoyable when experienced as a live production.

Ugh, the Time Turning. I generally don't like time travel stories. It's why "Prisoner of Azkaban" is probably my least favorite of the original seven books. There are ALWAYS plot holes. It hurts my brain. I would have really liked to have had a fresh story with a new villain in the HP world instead of rehashing many of the old scenes.

The randomness of Albus and Scorpius trying to use the Time-Turner to save Cedric bugged me. They acknowledge that they could be injured or even killed before they start, but they do it anyway, just to stick it to Harry and prove a point? I didn't buy it. Harry and Albus had their problems, and teenagers can be impulsive, but really? It seems like if they were going to go through all that trouble they'd try to save someone who mattered to their family, like Fred, Tonks, Lupin, Dumbledore, or even Snape.

A lot of other little things bothered me. Probably the most annoying is that Albus and Scorpius acquire the Time Turner in the first place. There's no way two kids could get their hands on something that Hermione Freakin' Granger has under her protection. Come on.

No Neville :(.

What I did like:

I was relieved by the lack of relationship drama. When J.K. Rowling expressed doubt about Ron and Hermione being together after "Deathly Hallows" came out, I was bummed because I've always been a Ron/Hermione shipper. I was worried that there would be hints of marital strife in "The Cursed Child," but they are great together in this story and I loved it.

I also loved Albus and Scorpius's friendship, and that Harry and Draco finally (sort of) become friends.

I was so happy to have Snape back for a little while, even though it involved time travel.

Most of all, the nostalgia. Though it lacks the real magic of the original series, I enjoyed spending time with the characters I love so much. For me, a mediocre Harry Potter story is still a really good story, which is why I give it four stars despite my many complaints.