A review by ruth24
The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories by Marina Keegan


I was drawn in by my curiosity about the title and by Marina's bright yellow coat on the cover. This little book of essays and stories renewed my interest in creative non-fiction and gave me hope that people are interested in the kind of everyday stories and relationships that Marina writes about, that strike a cord with me as well.

Other reviewers have complained that her stories sound like the writing of a 20-something. I agree but I don't think she claims to be anything else or seems embarrassed by that. That, to me, is almost what I liked best about it. She shows aspects of herself, not just in personal essays but in her non-fiction as well, which cannot be easy to do. She shows that everyday life occurrences are important and hold weight in our lives. I felt connected to her stories and essays and was comforted by the realization that I am not the only person who feels or thinks certain things. For those reasons, I think she achieved what she set out to.