A review by imzadirose
The Mystery of the Emeralds by Kathryn Kenny, Paul Frame


One of the more enjoyable ones. Reading it now, I don't think it was done by the same person who did the last one, it's better than that, but they kept with some of the ideas of that one (Car having a name ~ Queen, Trixie called princess ~ yuk). It was a BIT of a history lesson, but not overly bad. It was about 60% mystery this time and 40% lesson.

I love Trixie at the end, it's one of my favorite Trixie moments. The endings always get to me and this one (well, the reveal which comes a little before the very end) was one of the good ones because Trixie did have heart.

Oh, but one bad bad bad thing in the beginning. It says Bob-Whites were formed by JIM. Ah nooooo. No, not at all. It was all Trixie/Honey, though Jim did come up with the WHISTLE, but HE did not form it all on his own. Bad bad pseudonym writer. Know your shit!