A review by marklpotter
Tooth And Claw by K.T. Davies


Since I read these straight though, without a break in between, I am leaving the same review on each book. For that I apologize as it might be a little lazy but there's really no point in separating the review in to three parts as one book flows directly in to the next.

Firstly let me say that I didn't know where things were headed multiple times during all three books. At times I merely wanted to throw things because I thought I had something figured out and I couldn't have been more wrong. Now that may sound like I didn't enjoy this series but the reality is that I enjoyed it, probably, more than I should have. I couldn't put any of the books down easily and I certainly couldn't have walked away!

Breed is an amazing character and if she were real I'd wonder why she didn't off herself just to get away from all of the bullshit. To be fair, in the beginning, it was mostly bullshit of her own making but as the series goes on she becomes less and less responsible for it even as she tries to become the master of her own destiny. Even though she is very other, in every sense of the word, she is somehow relatable. She shouldn't be relatable at all because Davies does a rather amazing job of relating the otherness of the world and characters and as such there should be very little that feels comfortable for the reader. What Davies does here shows some real talent, blending such otherness with enough bits and pieces that reader still feels like they can relate.

As I am wont to do I crave more worldbuilding in my fantasy and Davies sets out a very interesting world here and while I really enjoyed the story I would have liked to see and understand more of it. This may be due to her mad ability to make things truly other that I have already mentioned. To be sure this doesn't detract from my overall awe at the series, this is just me being me and wanting to know more about how everything works in a story.

Davies creates a very interesting ride for the reader. I couldn't wait to pick up Tooth and Claw after finishing Dangerous to Know but halfway through I briefly wondered if I had made the right decision as I couldn't fathom how things were going to spin back in to a coherent narrative. I can say, with pleasure, that I was wrong about that and never doubted picking up Something Wicked when Tooth and Claw came to a close. I really can't stress this point enough, things do get confusing at points but trust the author and it'll all come together. It won't all necessarily make sense at the time, this is the otherness I keep mentioning, but it will come together and the story will be told to completion, and if you're anything like me it will be immensely rewarding.

I know, my reviews suck, I didn't talk about the story, or really even drop any hints about it but that's just going to have to do. I loved this series and sometimes you choose to talk about a thing rather than about a thing.