A review by curiously_curly
A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows by Diana Gabaldon


Reading Diana Gabaldon, to me, is like slipping on your favorite, most comfy socks. Settling into the characters, the plot twists and the long ride. I enjoyed this (very) short novella which provided "the real story" behind the death of Roger's parents. We also close a plot hole from Written in My Own Heart's Blood.

The Good
The ending!! I wish Gabaldon would have played the final scenes out more. They were the most riveting part of the book. Also, since prior sections of the book provided Dolly's point of view, I wish in the final moments we would have seen what was going through her mind as well.

The Bad
This novella was too short! I wished it were in the 100-150 page range like some of the other novellas. Seeing as how it took me a while to 'get into' the story by the time I was invested it was over. Also, valuable pages in the beginning were spent on Jerry's interactions with his mates in the RAF. That could've stayed on the cutting room floor.

The Ugly
Nothing per se but this makes me want to go back and re-read WiMOHB. I only vaguely remembered Roger's interaction with the time-traveling "stranger" he and Buck encounter in the past. I also totally forgot about Buck and thought for a moment the fair haired companion with Roger was Jamie! (Gah).

Overall, solid 3-star rating for me. The final moments of the book were amazing.