A review by teresajluvs2read
Concealed by Kate SeRine


**I received a copy of Concealed from Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

Concealed by Kate SeRine is the second book in her Dark Alliance series. I haven't read the first book and I'd recommend reading it prior to this book so that you aren't puzzled on the the two major groups in the book. Having said that I also have to say that I'm very glad that I watched all of the shows on the History channel about the Templar's and Illuminati because it helped so much knowing the back story to these two historical groups.

Maddie Blake is not only is the first female member of the Alliance but she feels that she has to prove herself to the leader, Jack Grayson. She has the background and with her family's lineage this should be a piece of cake, right? Nope because not only are they trying to stop an assassin but Jacob Stone who wants nothing more than to be the supreme leader to 'Faithful" even if he has to kill a few folks to get there. But its Maddie and Jack who need to figure out how to keep their hands off of each other when their boss, Will Asher, sends them out on another op together. Will they be able to keep their feelings in a box or will they just give in?

Jack Grayson also has the family ties to be the leader of his team in the Alliance but when the op against the Cartel and Jacob Stone's assassins leads to the death of not one but two people he questions how he is going to get the team out to be extracted without any more problems. He has no doubt that Maddie can make it with the team but now he had to worry about her also. When they are sent on another op by Will Asher will Jack be able to keep his other dark secret away from Maddie? Can they stop Jacob Stone from his lofty plans to be a supreme leader?

There is suspense, history lessons, romance, greed and plenty of assassins throughout the entire book. I'd give the book a solid 4.3 stars and I thank goodness that I saw the Da Vinci Code it was very helpful during those head scratching moments. Ms. SeRine you did your research very well for this book and it truly shows in this book.