A review by jessethereader
Home After Dark by David Small

I picked this graphic novel up at BookExpo this year. It was a great look at how different people can still find ways in which they relate & connect. It also tackled bullying in a way I haven't seen be done before. Those portions were hard to read, because of how far things were taken. Our main character is bullied, but is also a bystander of someone else being bullied. Also showcased in this story is the affects of a toxic home life. We see the wear and tear this has on the character and how it affects his everyday life. While I know this book was meant as a slice of life story, I felt like it could've gone deeper with everything it touched on. There were things that I wanted to go deeper with & things that I felt needed a bit more closure. You kind of leave all of these situations that our main character endures feeling empty, because he doesn't seem to ever reach an end with any of the circumstances. Everything he goes through feels very open ended & I'm beginning to find that I'm the type of reader that needs at least a little bit of closure. Overall this was a nice read, but it's not one that I feel left much of an impact on me.