A review by jlynnelseauthor
Bones and Keeps by Dena Bain Taylor


AD 542. Beowulf’s sister has just spoken a dark prophecy about his future: annihilation or shame. On the heels of this, a mysterious woman from the south has been captured trespassing on a forbidden island. It is the place where his sister Skuld nearly killed him. Instead, a piece of Beowulf’s and Skuld’s souls are trapped on the island, and both of them would do anything to get their spirits back. Meanwhile, even godly siblings have their differences, and sometimes the affairs of mortals and gods intersect in dangerous ways that could tear the fabric of the worlds apart. Thus, our story begins…

The book reads like a bard’s tale unfolding in front of a roaring fire on a cold winter’s night. Superstition and magic are powerful forces as the gods dabble in the affairs of mortals. The detailed historical context, cultural elements, and rituals the author brings to life are lusciously immersive. As the book progresses, some modern words or phrases creep in once and a while; for instance, someone fixed in a gaze “like a butterfly under a pin” (butterfly displays weren’t an ancient Viking pastime). Overall, though, the narrative style is so well crafted and creates an immensely compelling atmosphere. The characters are larger than life, and the adventures epic. The author weaves intricate plot lines together which challenge the main characters in impactful ways and drive the story forward. If you’re craving pulse-pounding battle scenes, some spicy romance, and a clash of gods and mortals, it’s time and past time you pick up this book.

Review originally posted via the Historical Novel Society at: https://historicalnovelsociety.org/reviews/bones-and-keeps/