A review by plaidbrarian
Superman: Last Son Of Krypton by Elliot S! Maggin


Maggin wrote the best Superman comic books of the 70s, so it's not surprising that he could bang out a decent Superman novel, too. The plot is a little silly - Lex Luthor steals Einstein's lost papers that turn out to have something to do with Krypton or something - but the characterization is where this book really shines. Having the time and space to really dig into the characters' heads, Maggin takes full advantage of the opportunity and really gets into why these people do what they do, especially Luthor. Under Maggin's pen, Lex becomes more than just another mad scientist arch-criminal... he truly sees himself as the equal and opposite reaction to Superman's every action. You may not walk away remembering much of the actual story, but the different look at familiar characters will remain with you for a long time.