A review by mbt4
Fade by Lisa McMann


While I enjoyed this book more than the first in this trilogy, I still am not quite connecting to it as I had hoped. Maybe it's the third person present tense? Or the choppy writing style? But I do think the sentences were more fluid and structured in 'Fade' than in 'Wake'.

The beginning of the book seemed to focus more on the "misfits,united" aka Cabel and Janie's relationship instead of the dream catching or detective work. Not to mention, the utter lack of adult supervision not being addressed! They are in high school, and yet they seem to crash at each other's place all the time and seemingly have no personal life outside of each other.

With sexual predators on the lose at Fieldridge High, the undercover couple goes to work, adding mystery and backbone to the story. Rape is a serious crime people! And there is nothing better to add a dramatic tone to a book than real world issues.

I appreciated that Janie finally can pull herself out of other people's dreams, and the focus was not nudity dreams such as in the first book. And we FINALLY find out more background about dream catching, this would have been crucial to add into the first book! Really been waiting on this part!

All in all, I'm going the read 'Gone' not just out of obligation anymore but interest, hoping that will get used to the third person tense.