A review by b0hemian_graham
Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta


I had to go to sleep, but the climax at the end, holy shit. This novel was a bit more gut punchy than Looking for Alibrandi. I honestly couldn't stop crying as Marchetta captured the feelings of utter hopelessness, anger, and complete isolation Francesca was feeling on the day after her bithday. It's rare that a novel will actually put me in tears, so kudos to Marchetta. I swear she can't write anything terrible, as I have yet to find a novel of hers that I don't like. This review is far too inadequate to express my actual feelings on the novel because it was one of those "WOW" novels you read, adore, but really can't describe it. I'm interested in seeing if The Piper's Son is going to affect me the same away.