A review by amiewg
Golden Son by Pierce Brown


So Red Rising takes turns being like Hunger Games or Ender's Game imo and this time it was more Ender's. I liked Golden Son better than Red Rising, it was more political but it also felt more real-life and more adult.

I forget that Darrow is only 20 years old, then he interacts with Roque or Mustang or Sevro and it hits me that he is a child. He deals with his situation as well as can be expected for a kid. But if he was older I would judge him harshly. My main problem is that based on how high the stakes are, his manipulation skills are not up to standard, he is naive when it comes to love and friendship, he easily makes friends or should I call them followers but doesn't maintain them well, he sacrifices himself a number of times bc I think he thinks he is immortal. I think Darrow needs to separate what he is and who he is and understand which needs what emotionally.

Darrow's personality flaws and character shortcomings are my only criticism bc I think he could be better. I also think he is a real person, hence the disappointment. I know he will grow, and I can't wait for it. Everything else in this book is excellent and realistic. Doesn't read like a YA or NA at all.