A review by bluebeereads
Find Me by Romily Bernard


Istyria book blog - B's world of enchanted books

*I received a copy of this book for the blog tour by The Fantastic Flying Book Club.*

This was such an awesome book. I loved the hacking, the mystery/thriller part, the romance,… All of that was seriously great, but I didn’t like the fact that I kind of suspected who the bad buy was, and I was right. This would’ve been a 5 star book if I had absolutely no idea until the very end. But it’s still great!

Wicket is an outsider. Someone the rich people like the call ‘Trash’. She has a bad attitude and loves sarcasm. She and her sister live with their foster parents Bren and Todd. Wick earns some money hacking for other women to spy on their boyfriends/husbands. One day, she receives a diary of a girl she used to be friends with, before her deadbeat dad disappeared. In that diary she finds the words ‘Find Me’. Pretty freaky, but that same day, that girl is found dead. She committed suicide. A morbid game of hide & seek follows. She can count on Griff to help her but, when her dad returns, it only makes things more complicated.

The writing was pretty good in this book. Although it was a tiny bit predictable as for who the bad guy was, the author kept me on edge and I was still wondering what was going on. It had me hooked. Plus the hacking is awesome. I don’t know a thing about that stuff, but I love reading about it. And the romance was great too. It wasn’t rushed or anything in my opinion.

I loved Wick. Seriously. I love her sarcasm and her “don’t-care” attitude. And she’s an awesome hacker. That too. I adored Lily. She’s such a bright and adorable girl! It’s hard not to love and adore her. It really is. Griff was cool. He’s funny and cute and he’s pretty sweet for Wick. The romance wasn’t the main focus, which was great, because that would’ve taken away a lot from the suspense if it was.

OH I loved the little fragments from Tessa’s diary at the start of each chapter. A bit creepy, but still cool. And the cover is also cool.

This book kept me on edge and I almost couldn’t put it away just because I had to figure out the truth. Which is a pretty amazing thing to accomplish with me. I recommend this for fans of the genre. Fans of books about hacking will most likely also love this.